Hi Beth — congratulations on your wonderful book Haiku for the Single Girl!
You’ve done a really nice job of creating a simple yet sublime, playful yet honest, little volume that is a joy to hold and read.
I am the host (brand new host actually) of a virtual world event called Haiku Sculpting. Each week we put out 4 haiku, and artists have an hour to create a virtual sculpture inspired by their choice of the haiku. In the past we’ve often used ancient Japanese haiku that contain moments of simple beauty. Even so, I wonder if the distance between us and these poems might make them a bit less accessible for some. I thought that trying somewhat more contemporary and more Western haiku would be a fun change. We’ve decided to let our virtual sculptors be inspired by your book for March.
Would you be willing to read 4 of them for us? Since it’s a virtual sculpture event, the time and place of your reading doesn’t matter of course. If you’d turn on YouTube “record now” and simply read any 4 haiku of your choice “to your laptop” and send us a URL, then the sculptors could view your video, pick one, and create a project.
Here are a few samples that were created yesterday:
Haiku Sculpting #1 – 3 March ’13
today’s Haiku Sculpting poems were from Haiku for the Single Girl by Beth Griffenhagen
Huntress Catteno picked:
In my neighborhood
Even the homeless woman
Has a boyfriend. Sigh.
Mia Wallace & Dr. Wiggles collaborated on:
I like trysts with guys
From other countries. It’s like
Stamping your passport!
Corcosman Voom worked with:
I am convinced that
All available men are
Somehow damaged goods.

No worries if you don’t have time to read for us, I totally get it… and if you are able… we’d be thrilled and honored.
LMK if you have any questions!
Warm Regards,
Xue Faith
Host, Haiku Sculpting
Virtual Artists’ Alliance
B E T H . G R I F F E N H A G E N
Haiku for the Single Girl
• Tracy’s New York Life / Photos & Author Interview
• Haiku for the Single Girl.com
• Haiku for the Single Girl / Amazon.com
• Beth Griffenhagen / Twitter
H A I K U . S C U L P T I N G
• irez.uk/haiku – posts about people and ideas
• xuefaith.co.uk/haiku – posts with weekly poems & sculptures
Very interesting event! The combination haiku/building in SL is fascinating! Big hugs!
Beth, if you’re out there, your book is funny, insightful, and a joy to read!