Month: March 2014
Posted in Previz
Previz #83 – Dance Anywhere
Friday at Noon PDT / 19:00 GMT Vanessa Blaylock Company will be joining dancers on 6 continents as part of the 10th annual “Dance Anywhere!”
2014/03/24 Vanessa Blaylock
Posted in Previz
Previz #82 – A is for Animation, B is for Baby
George Carlin famously spoke about my stuff and your shit. In this 26-day photo / blog challenge you have the chance to leave your shame over your obscenely large inventory behind and take pride in your brilliant collecting. Share your shit stuff with the world!
2014/03/16 Vanessa Blaylock
Posted in SL
Paradise Lost in Second Life – An Update & Trailers
I only recently realised that last time I posted on iRez about Paradise Lost in Second Life…
2014/03/13 Canary Beck