Category: Social Networks
Ideas about Facebook and their kind.
iRez & VBCO now Companies on LinkedIn
You can now list the companies iRez Salon and Vanessa Blaylock Company on your LinkedIn “Experience”
Confessions of a Google Fangirl
Vanessa a Google fangirl? Strange but true! I love Google! Google+ Rocks! I want to have Vic…
Building a community
You know, I have been thinking about community a lot lately. A few weeks ago, Vaneeesa posted…
I Share Therefore I Am
Every single tweet we send, no matter what its overt topic, is part of an ongoing story…
The Public Square
ROBERT F PECKHAM FEDERAL COURTHOUSE, SAN JOSE, 2 May — Today Google Inc. made permanent their ban…
Weak Genes
RIDGEFIELD PARK, NJ, 27 April — Launched 10 April, and sued yesterday by 18 Olympic athletes claiming…
Vaneeesa Blaylock
INSIDE MARK ZUCKERBERG’S GLOBAL BRAIN, 4 April — Meet Vaneeesa Blaylock, Vaneeesa Blaylock, Vaneeesa Blaylock, Vaneeesa Blaylock,…
Vanessa Anne Blaylock
INSIDE MARK ZUCKERBERG’S GLOBAL BRAIN, 1 April — Meet Vanessa Blaylock, Vanessa Blaylock, Vanessa Blaylock, Vanessa Blaylock,…
Equal Protection
MENLO PARK, CA, 28 May — It’s heartbreaking to realize that Facebook can be so inclusive…
733 Friends
As the rather dramatic image above shows, my SL Network is so big (number of peeps and density of interconnections) that the SL “bolus” has become “me” and pushed all other connections out much like a star gone nova creating an annular nebula!
Happy Birthday to Meee!
Aww, thanks Facebook “friends!” 🙂
Mourning the Facebook Dead
If you need still more irony in your breakfast cereal, consider that the fictional film “Avatar” was #1 at the box office again this week… even as real Avatars are being executed on Facebook!
Data Viz: Visualizer
I’m going thru some serious withdrawal pains with Touchgraph being down. So I’ve been shopping for alternate FB Friend Visualizations.
400 Friends
You can clearly see the “cancerous” sovereign nation of Second Life continue to, like nanobots with a defective self-replication-stop switch, take over my network.
300 Friends
In this frame you’ll notice a giant blob of friend-protoplasm threatening to take over this Friend Network Visualization! Yes, it’s that tightly interconnected army of Second Lifers!
Big Thunder Mountain
Space Mountain is a “ride,” and that ride is more about Space Mountain than it is about you. Facebook is also a “ride,” and Facebook is more about Facebook than it is about you.
218 Friends
This just happens to be the exact same number of “real/meaningless” “friends” that, uh, “someone” I know took almost 3 years on Facebook to acquire.
100 Friends
The reason my FB account is under the name “Vanessa Blaylock” and not my “real” name Vaneeesa Blaylock, is that when I signed up, Facebook said that the name “Vaneeesa” was unacceptable because “too many repeating letters” – not allowed!
Joined Facebook yesterday. Here’s a “Touchgraph” of my “Social Network”