Dancer #1 – Deli

black and white photo of Deli dancing in a virtual dance club
Deli (Delirioux) dancing at GOL Club on 1 January.


Dancer: Deli
Club: GOL Club

1. Who goes dancing more often? Your Avatar? Or your Typist?

More often it’s my avatar, but my typist dances as well sometimes.

2. Why do you dance?

Cause I just love it! Music just make me do it 🙂

3. Is “Avatar Dancing” the same as “Typist Dancing”? Or different?

Avatar dancing is different. In RL I don’t dance like my avatar.

4. Do you login just to dance? Or do you go dancing before or after other activities?

No, I don’t login just to dance, but I pass most of my time dancing.

5. Do you change your clothes to go dancing? How do you like to look?

Yes everyday I change clothes. Clothes depend on how I’m feeling or the club I’m going to.

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

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