A Sculpture by any other Name
What’s in a name? Haiku Speedbuild? Haiku Sculpting? What is a “Haiku Speedbuild” anyway? In my proposal for the new event “Machiniminute”
• About Machiniminute
I noted that quick “finger exercises” are really the VAA’s forte. There are many fantastic orgs in virtual space that help promote wonderful creative work, but most focus on longer-term highly polished work. VAA’s singular focus is the chance to dive in, try something, step back, and see what we all came up with in the last hour. It can be a real process of easy experimentation with low pressure that can also produce occasional gems.
Even though the idea is to be quick and spontaneous, there is a sincerity and a durational quality to any work. A great photograph might be a frozen 1/1000th of a second, but a great photographer might wait many minutes, or more, for just the right 1/1000th of a second to come along. Haiku Speedbuild intends to be quick, breezy, and spontaneous, but it also started at a virtual Zen retreat where they wrote haiku and contemplated, as that form so powerfully does, the truly sublime depths of a moment fully experienced.
Name Change: Haiku Sculpting
I’m not certain that we really want our event to be “Haiku Fast Architecture” when it might be “Haiku Deeply Felt Sculpture.” So I wonder if “Haiku Sculpting” might set a better tone for our event. It is definitely NOT my intention to “ban” any sort of creativity at these events. Every participant should pursue whatever vision and whatever style they choose, but perhaps a name like “Haiku Sculpting” would ever-so-gently nudge participants to think a bit less about a structure that illustrates a text, and just a drop more about a sculpture that experiences a moment.
I’m thinking of changing the name of our VAA event to Haiku Sculpting. I’d love your input on this. Share any thoughts you like in the comment box below!
Thanks everyone!

If it weren’t that “sculpting” in the context of SL tends to bring to mind Sculpted Prims in particular… “Haiku Crafting”? But then it might sound like it is craft as opposed to art… hmmm….