4 July – Summer Air

In the photo: Strawberry Singh
Location: {Zaara}

Today is July 4th, Independence day for all the Americans. Usually on this day my family barbecues at home and then in the evening we go to Disney to see the fireworks. But today is such a beautiful summery day, I might head down to the lake and enjoy the summer breeze a bit. I hope all of you have a wonderful Independence day! <3

Strawberry Singh is a resident of the virtual world Second Life™ She is an avid blogger, photographer and social media enthusiast.

12 thoughts on “4 July – Summer Air

  1. Wow, I’m really impressed by this picture. Beautiful, how did you do that? It looks much more like a painting than an actual photo. This almost makes me want to try SL!

    1. Thank you Ravanel. I actually didn’t photoshop this picture much at all. I used mostly Second Life lighting and then I liquified my avatar just a little bit in photoshop. You should definitely try Second Life, it really helps me get creative.

      I did a post on my blog last year that might be helpful to you, it’s for people that are new to Second Life or are thinking about joining. Some of the freebies that I linked to in the post might be outdated now, but the rest of it might help you out a bit. Feel free to message me inworld if you decide to join! 🙂
      Here’s the link to the post: http://strawberrysingh.com/2011/08/04/second-life-newbie-resource

      1. Oh noooooo, now I’ve called it upon me! Haha.

        Oh dear, now I’ve checked out your blog and it’s FULL of all these beautiful images. *Gasp* Now I’m even more impressed. This is probably not the right place to say this, but the images I see from SL fascinate me in a way that I’m both in awe at the nice looks of it, and at the same time it sometimes gives me a creepy feeling because everyone looks so perfect, it’s as if you are walking through a world inhabited by dolls. Oh dear, did I really say that aloud in a pro-SL blog?
        *quickly hides behind a rock*

        I’ve been trying to keep away from Second Life because I tend to get sucked in be such things (I get enthusiastic far too easy from so many things!), but who knows I’ll give it a try in the future. Your post looks like it gives the perfect handle to start out with, even by just giving ideas where to start and visit some places. Really, I wouldn’t know where to go otherwise, I reckon I would just feel totally lost.

        I’ll shelve this adventure for now, but I’ll keep it in mind until the right time is there. After all, I’m far too curious a girl for my own good. And who knows, perhaps you’ll still be around then, that would be fun!

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