Just when I was starting to think I could not screw-up long enough to actually become an SLCS Cheerleader… Week 3 – The Stage!
/me *shivers*
Srooc sez you can screw up on the stage even worse than with the HUD!!!
Oh joy.
But scroll thru all my stage screw-ups anyway… so you can see all the fun stuff we did this week! Play nite at the amusement park… performance at the hot club… SO much SLCS action! π

BS’s Amusement Park:

Club Halflife:

Or, uh, at least, “we” might be… if “we” don’t screw up and send the entire squad into orbit around the stadium! O_o
— Aero

Dance Island:
Just discovered this post. LOVE it! Cheerleaders forever! I have a couple cheerleader outfits, but I’ve never been involved in on an SL cheerleader team.
Thanks Yordie! SLCS is super-fun and there’s so many great peeps there! You should totally come by Cheertopia sometime and check it out.
I actually haven’t been around much lately, RL and all that, but when I poked my nose in on Saturday to write that Gimme 6 post, everyone was so sweet.
hahaha, I was totally expecting guilt trips, like “oh look, it’s the dead girl,” but they were so great and so happy to see me and dragged me around, “oh, you have to come get the new HUD,” etc
I can’t wait to see YOUR cheer pix! Yay!!
Wow, Cheertopia sounds cool. I love stuff like that. I’m such a showoff and always the cheerleader in any crowd I show up at. (/me blushes). I’ll check things out. I’m into this for real! Hugs, Yordie
SLCS is an awesome group Yordie, I think you’ll really like them. They have regular SLCS for 18 & over avatars… and also The Comets for 13-17 year old avatars.
Once you finish training and become official, you can just go to practice kinda when you like and they have a lot of events, but they’re all optional so you go whenever you can.