I Have Many Worlds

A few aspects of Virtual Worlds (building/creative types, rather than game types) different from a certain famous VW:
• Lower Traffic
• Higher Creative Freedom
• Less DMCA griefing
• Megaprims
• Lower lag, yet worse performance

In anticipation of our upcoming performance VB24 – Multiverse, which is slated to have 3 houses simultaneously occupied on InWorldz, Reaction Grid, and Second Life,
Previz: VB24 – Multiverse

I’ve been stomping around Reaction Grid and, except for Pathfinder’s office hours, I’ve never seen ANYONE here! So, I decided to take a peek at all the grids preloaded in the Imprudence 1.3 viewer and see how many peeps are actually online. Here are their numbers and their splash screens.

(PS: Imprudence 1.3 is in the process of being updated. Many of the grids preloaded in the current production version already don’t seem to exist anymore)

GRID STATUSES – 3pm GMT (7am SLT) – Saturday 5 Feb 2011

GRID – In-World Now
3rd Rock Grid – 7
Craft Grid – 9
InWorldz – 153
Meta7 – 33
OS Grid – 110
Reaction Grid – ?
Role Play Worlds – 4
ScienceSim – 101
Second Life – 48,683
The New World – 19
Your Alternative Life – 0

Here’s the past 30/60 day user count, total users, and number of regions for these grids:

If you have data I’m missing or other grids I should add, please drop a comment!


click any thumbnail to enter “slide show” mode, then use arrow keys to navigate

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

3 thoughts on “I Have Many Worlds

  1. VB —

    At Hypergrid Business, we’ve been doing a monthly survey (the 15th of each month) of all the public grids on OpenSim. The data page is here: http://www.hypergridbusiness.com/statistics/

    The data tables for each month include the number of unique logins over the previous 30 days, but not all grids release this data.

    Of course, there are also hundreds of private grids that I know of, and possibly hundreds more that I don’t know about.

    Many grids are used by small groups for building or community, or by schools and companies for education or private meetings, so the grids would be empty except when classes are in session. ReactionGrid, being focused on schools and businesses, isn’t likely to have many people hanging out and socializing. In addition, many of RG’s customers are now having RG set up private grids for them, so they can hold their classes in closed-off, secure environments. For socializing, OSGrid is currently the best bet, with InWorldz also popular. Other social grids are 3rd Rock and SpotOn3D.

    I’m in the process of assembling a chart of all the public grids.

    Editable spreadsheet here: https://spreadsheets.google.com/a/tromblyltd.com/ccc?key=toloaYniFApu7S8o1NZer-w#gid=0

    — Maria

  2. Fantastic Maria, thank you so much!

    Why do you think EDUs turn to Reaction Grid for *Private* “Fire Wallish” “Walled Gardenish” spaces? In the century of openness, networking, and inter-operability, I would think maximum interactivity and exposure would be fitting. Many have commented on the art & architecture model of “public” studio critique as the most inclusive and powerful.

    Of course the “real” world is messy… but the sooner you interact with the wider world the deeper and more inclusive your work can be and the more resistant you can be to project-killing blunders that could have been avoided thru wider discourse.

    Perhaps I’m naive, but I’m truly disappointed to hear that so many EDU’s are choosing to hide their work in ivory towers instead of following the lead of work like MIT Open Courseware and throwing their gates open to the world.

    (BTW, in the case of MIT Open Courseware, while the world is indeed looking, I’ve heard that the biggest users of the materials are members of the MIT community. So the openness, beyond motivating MIT faculty to step up their materials, is benefitting their own community as much or more than the rest of humanity at large)

    Thanks Maria!

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