Legendary performance artist / navigator of the undiscovered country of the human body Stelarc dropped by SL on Saturday.
He performed at the Virtual Stelarc Initiative at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT)
I was actually unaware of the Virtual Stelarc Initiative (probably too busy being pissed off at Linden Lab and missing the actual content! π
So it was a double treat to see the performance and the installation. Here’s a video from the Stelarc collection that’s a little bit like the performance from Saturday:
I should say that I only saw half the performance! This was a mixed-reality piece for the Innovation Festival / Milano:
I was unable to find a stream on Saturday, or still today, of what happened in FL/Milano, so I only experienced the SL half of this mixed-reality work.
To be honest, it probably wasn’t his finest work, still, it was spine-tingling to see the master in action.