NicoleX Moonwall

NicoleX in Coco Chanel

NicoleX Moonwall is what Second Life is all about.

Yes, the real estate developers, sex-bed makers, and fashion designers all making mega-lindens are part of this world too… perhaps even a more important part than I tend to appreciate… but there wouldn’t be much point in living here if the place wasn’t occupied by amazing peeps like NicoleX.

Not many people can wear Coco Channel *and* a Mondrian dress/sculpture, but NicoleX makes it work. Actually... ha ha ha... I know several peeps who I think could pull that off... SEE... this IS an amazing world!

I don’t exactly remember when our how we met… but one of my fondest memories of her was at my holiday party last December: she sort of spent the whole thing face-planted into a wall. Which, is especially ironic since my downstairs at Angel Beach didn’t have any walls! Somehow NicoleX found something to faceplant in and get stuck for hours (I think it was the back of my “VB Moments” crate actually)

NicoleX at my holiday party at Angel Beach, looking radiant and not face-planted! 🙂

It turns out she was suffering from inconceivable lag due to various technical / connection matters. I have a lot of lag myself. I actually have a pretty good GeForce card, but I often have Antialiasing & Draw Distance cranked up… sometimes peeps beam me places and I can’t even walk in a straight line… it’s embarrassing… and so frustrating.

Well, I think the insanity producing lag I suffer from is “minor” compared to the problems NicoleX had. She spoke more than once about leaving SL… and at least once she actually did say goodbye… then she got a skybox where she could manage to build stuff as long as she didn’t look at anything…

Sometimes it can seem like this world just doesn’t want you. But sometimes you can have so much desire, that you try to find a way to stay anyway.

Sometimes god opens the oven, and instead of the expected, perfect batch of cookies, there’s a batch with tops or bottoms that are a little more black than brown… so “he” throws the whole batch in the trash. Sometimes even though you “fail” to have the “perfect” golden-brown cookie-skin, you so long to be in this world, that you claw your way up out of the trash and try to live in a world where you’re not wanted.

Sometimes a tainted, flawed, wretched, pathetic, singed cookie can embody the true meaning, the true essence of cookiefulness in ways, with a depth, with a resonance, that those insipid, banal, “perfect cookies” couldn’t begin to understand, let alone manifest.

And then one day I got an excited message from NicoleX… she’d gotten some crazy, turbo, satellite internet or something and her life was reborn! It was like the day that Gandhi got out of that British prison cell over on Odyssey Performance Sim!

Vaneeesa visits Mr. Gandhi in SL Jail:

Since then she’s been building avatars and museums… making photos and videos… she loves to engage and create and share… she’s as enthusiastic and beautiful a soul as I know in this world.

The landlord who recently kicked me out of Crystal Ridge… he’s not really a bad guy… in fact he’s quite honest about it… he wants to make as much money as possible with as little noise from anyone as possible… cash in… speech down…

I’ve never even tried to run an operation of his scale, so what do I know. Maybe he’s the backbone of this world. But economic efficiency doesn’t make a place a home… “clumsy” people like NicoleX do.

Be sure to peruse the FOURTY-FIVE! videos on NicoleX’ YouTube channel!

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

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