Hey guys, it’s time for a field trip!
Saturday, 19 April 2014
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• WHO: Anyone who’s up for a little adventure
• WHAT: Field Trip hosted by Skygirl Kline & Vanessa Blaylock
• WHERE: Tera!
• WHEN: Saturday 19 April ’14 – 10am California Time / 19:00 CEST / 3am Sunday AEST
• HOW: So Easy! Just check out the info below:
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• Downloading game: tera.enmasse.com/download
• Choose Streaming Download option…this allows you to enter the game sooner.
• Choose server: Acension Valley.
• After choosing your Character and race and name enter game.
• Meet by landing point on Island of Dawn (press esc to skip cheesy intro if required)
On arrival we will organise a party group (press Alt/Rtn to respond) and you will see other party members as green dots mini map (press N to toggle) so we won’t get lost.
[box type=”info” style=”rounded” border=”full”]
• Party chat is blue channel /P(space)(Rtn)
• Local chat is /S(space)(Rtn)
The idea will be to take quests from NPC’s to Level up as high as we can during the visit. At Level 10 you leave the island of Dawn for the mainland (press M for map and zoom out to see rest of Tera) There you are given a free horse with which to travel. But we may not get that far. Of course you can stay or return to continue.
[box type=”info” style=”rounded” border=”full”]
Some gestures:
Get rid of background music: System menu/options/audio/background music
If you need you can alter your keys with System menu/shortcuts/options
Main site: tera.enmasse.com
Wikipedia: Tera Rising

I’d love to go, I’ll work on installing the game soon.
Great! Skygirl is the one who’s put some time in there so she can help us with any details we need. I haven’t downloaded it yet either – gotta get on that! – I’ll try to do it tomorrow! 😀
Looking forward to it!!
This sounds like fun. I’ll be there, together with a friend!
Awesomesauce! So glad your friend is coming! Hope you guys can level up, you know, in less than 12 hours! 😛
Have you met Ironyca? You guys are my best friends from worlds that aren’t that shopping world! It’ll be great to all hangout for a while!
I think this will be the first time Ravanel and I will be present in the same world at the same time. I’ve been playing with the character creation mode a little, but should I level till lvl 10? Or were we meant to level together to lvl 10?
Hmm… L10? So far I’ve made it to Ascension Valley… but can’t do anything there… just a splash screen with no options at all. Wonder if I need the full download first?
OMG I’m such a noob! The buttons were off the bottom of the screen! Fixed now!
Oh, BTW, for anyone getting setup… we can Chat / Help here: