They don’t make em’ like they used to and Safety Last was one of em’
I began my drawing with a spray painted edge then selecting a light tone of pink watercolor I covered the inside box. Using a white watercolor brush I lightened the places where I knew I was going to have lighter shades. I used a black pen to draw the right half of the clock adding the numbers clockwise and black pixel and pen on the right hand side. Patches of a darker pink were added and I used a highlighter for some of the other details, mainly blacks and pinks. My drawing was not finished as I wanted the clock to look a bit dustier but as I’m such a sap I ran out of ink before I could do anything about it. The detail on his face was also unfinished.
Apart from growing up watching every Western that was ever made before 1978 I also watched a lot of silent movies and Harold Lloyd in Safety Last was my most memorable. The clock scene is still one of the most persistent images in cinema history. Lloyd performed many stunts himself in his movies which resulted in the loss of the thumb and index finger however hanging from the clock hands high above the street in Safety Last, at the time had a full hand… says you!!
Safety Last
Some other swell movie clock scenes…
Another Lloyd in Back to The Future
Project A – Suggested by Kamran Malik
Aww, cute drawing Tabs! Yay for all the clocks!! 😀
That’s amazing!
Why thank you Ravanel 🙂
Thanks Vanessa 🙂 yes, I love clocks 😀