Big Heads Gallery
Now Open! The Big Heads Gallery / Avatar Selfie Gallery @ LEA11 in Second Life! After yesterday’s post about Big Heads (Avatar Selfies) Moni and I were talking and we decided to open a Big Heads Gallery. The gallery is open to all residents. Just come to the gallery at LEA11. You’ll see lots of “Jan van Eyck” and “Connie Arida” selfies in a row. You can buy any one of them for L$0. Just touch the portrait to buy it. When you “buy” the portrait, nothing will go into your inventory, instead, the portrait right there on the ground will become yours. The frames have a vertical 4:3 or 1.33:1 aspect ratio.
Avatar Selfie Gallery
Now with your new portrait setting, you can simply drag your “Big Head” (Avatar Selfie) onto the Front AND BACK of your portrait spot.
It’s All About Meee!
You can optionally add your name to the portrait so everyone can know who they’re looking at. If you want to be really fancy, you can make 2 versions: one with your name on it and one without. Then you can put the “clean” version on the front so peeps can admire your unblemished artistry. And on the back you can put the text one so they can figure out who’s who! 😀
Moni’s Free Photo Studio
Of course you can shoot your Big Head for the Avatar Selfie Gallery anyplace you like. If you need a place with backdrops, lights, and poses, just a few meters away from the gallery is Moni’s Free Photo Studio! Go knock yourself out and then post your best shot in the gallery. Everything in Moni’s Free Photo Studio should be self explanatory and easy to figure out. If you need any help at all, don’t hesitate to ring up Monerda Skute or Vaneeesa Blaylock and we’ll give you any help you need.
L i n k y . L i n k y
• LEA11 / Big Heads Gallery
• LEA11 / Moni’s Free Photo Studio
• Flickr / Monerda Skute
• Blog / Monerda Skute
• iRez / Big Heads (Avatar Selfies)
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