Avatar Blogger Month – Week 1 Gold Star

A few ABC Gym members got together to celebrate the end of Week 1 & give ourselves gold stars! Click to see big!
7 Avatar bloggers dressed in white in a group portrait at LEA11: Strawberry Singh, Peep Sideshow, LIzzie Gudkov, Anakya Elderslie, Ravensong Merlin, Vaneeesa Blaylock & Scarlett Lime
pictured above, L to R
• Strawberry Singh / Strawberry Singh.com
• Peep Sideshow / Pics by Peep
• Lizzie Gudkov / It Takes a Village
• Anarya Elderslie / Stuffery
• Ravensong Merlin / Chaotic Virtuality
• Vaneeesa Blaylock / iRez
• Scarlett Lime / The League of Extraordinary Fashionistas

• Full ABC Participant List

Gold Star with the text "Avatar Blogger Crossfit 7 Days" Here’s a gold star of your very own! Click it once to get the full-sized version, then right-click that and Save As. It’s a .png with transparency, so you can size it as you like and stick it on an image, or just use it plain. It was so nice getting to spend a bit of time with a 1/4 of the gym membership today. We do have our big wrap party on Saturday 29 June at 5pm PDT / Sunday 1am BST / Sunday 10am AEST, but it’d be great if between now and then a few of us could get together for a little “Blogger’s Nite Out” dancing or shopping or whatever.

Here’s a few more pix from our photo shoot today:
click to enter slide show mode, then use arrow keys to scroll thru

Here’s the “About.me” pages for a few ABC Gym members. If you have an About.me (or feel like making one) just add your URL in the comments, and I’ll add you to this little tabbed collection. Yay!
[tabs style=”default” title=”About.us”]
[tab title=”Strawberry Singh”][aboutme username=”strawberrysingh”][/tab] [tab title=”Peep Sideshow”][aboutme username=”sideshowpeep”][/tab] [tab title=”Lizzie Gudkov”][aboutme username=”lizziegudkov”][/tab] [tab title=”Anarya Elderslie”][aboutme username=”anarya.elderslie”][/tab] [tab title=”Ravensong Merlin”][aboutme username=”ravensong”][/tab] [tab title=”Vaneeesa Blaylock”][aboutme username=”vbco”][/tab] [tab title=”Bea Serendipity”][aboutme username=”bea.serendipity”][/tab] [tab title=”BumbleBee”][aboutme username=”BumbleBee”][/tab] [tab title=”Canary Beck”][aboutme username=”canarybeck”][/tab] [tab title=” Ravanel Griffon”][aboutme username=”ravanel”][/tab] [tab title=” Vixxie Vultee”][aboutme username=”vixxie.vultee”][/tab] [tab title=” Zivaah Darling”][aboutme username=”zivaahdarling”][/tab] [/tabs]

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

15 thoughts on “Avatar Blogger Month – Week 1 Gold Star

  1. Oh! Shiny! Now to figure out how to place it on my blog o.O

    Thanks for organising this, Vaneesa, and thanks to all the bloggers who are taking part. I hope we can all catch up at some point 🙂

  2. Wish I had been able to make it and meet all you wonderful ladies who I enjoy reading your blogs so much. Especially over the last few days with the sick household .. you’ve all kept me sane and entertained. YAY for shiny stars tho!!

      1. Awesome Mireille! For About.me, you just go to their website and make one! 🙂
        Here, for example, is mine:

        And then come back here and give us your URL / Username (so “vbco” in my case) And we’ll add you to the thingy up above! Yay!

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