Still Photo from Pride Parade

First Saturday: Avatar Pride Parade

Map of the Second Life Mainland, showing the route of the Avatar Pride Parade

First Saturday!

CIRCUIT LA CORSE, MEEWALH SIM, SECOND LIFE MAINLAND, 5 January — The growing “army” of avatars among us represent a new class of identity, or virtual identity. Avatars have tremendous abilities, but no rights. There is no better way to have a voice than to speak up, no better way to be seen than to rise up, no better way to celebrate the diversity of who-all we are and can be, than an Avatar Pride Parade.

For VB37 – Sitting is the New Smoking, we mapped out a 5k walking course through 21 regions of the Second Life Mainland, and with a Start/Finish line at Circuit La Corse. Since we already have this wonderful, exactly 5km course mapped out, I propose a 2 lap or 10k pride walk. The entire course only has a single “turn” you have to make, and this time we’ll station someone there to make sure walkers don’t go the wrong way! 😀

Still Photo from Pride Parade

VB42 – Avatar Pride Parade

Saturday 5 January 2013
10am PST / SLT
1pm EST
18:00 GMT
19:00 CEST
Sunday 6 January 2012
02:00 HKT
05:00 AEST

Come as the avatar you are… or any other avatar you’d like to be for the day…

Still Photo from Pride Parade

R E L A T E D . M A T E R I A L S

SL-URL / Circuit La Corse
VB42 Previz

iRez / Civil Rights Home Page
iRez / Identity Home Page

Still Photo from Pride Parade

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

5 thoughts on “First Saturday: Avatar Pride Parade

  1. YAY ! It’s a parade! I’ll be there with bells on my toes. hehe. Maybe i’ll come as a pole dancer? hmmm. Or perhaps the star of my own avatarian life? hmmm I’ll be there with coffee for sure.

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