Virtual world Second Life will be home to “BURN2 2012” this week. It begins today, Saturday, October 20th and continues to October 27th. BURN2 is based on the real life “Burning Man” events in the Nevada desert. BURN2 also replaces Second Life’s former “Burning Life” events, originally sponsored by Linden Lab, but now independently organized since being downsized. There are six SL sims that makeup the desert landscape.
I was fortunate enough to go to the BURN2 Press Preview on Thursday. There was a good briefing and I collected my press kit and was given some great information about the history of Burning Man and Burning Life. Then we had an hour to wander around, collecting goodies, shooting pics and talking with peeps.
One thing I heard often on Press day was, “Welcome Home” and it felt just right. I believe this part of the whole tradition of Burning Man. In fact, there seems to be a great tradition behind Burning Man, even a set of The Ten Principles that will give you more of an understanding.

it’s the best replica of the real life Burning Man to date.
You can’t tell by this photo but it is a huge structure
with stairs leading up near the effigy’s base.

wanted us to see, the “Burning Man” and “The Temple”.
Like Burning Man, The Temple is huge and inviting for meditation.

As iRez salon’s official cheerleader I’ve got my rah-rah’s on (well, figuratively)! And I’m already gaga for this event. I have stars in my eyes and I’m happy as a clam, but what do you expect? I’m just full of wonderment and new possibilities, and I’m ready to become a “Burner.”
The BURN2 coordinators said to wear warm clothes and set the region to nighttime. And I think this is part of the whole scene too. I’m picturing the temporary community coming to life as the sun goes down, and there’s a lot of events, including entertainment scheduled.
I’m still learning what Burning Man and BURN2 are all about. One thing that was emphasized in the press briefling was the idea of building a temporary community from scratch, a “Burner Community.” Already I can see the festive atmospher of that community.
BURN2 is a place where you can walk around and meet new people. And if you like to wander around, get lost and stumble into entertainment, there’s that too. I’m planning to be here often in the coming week and hope you will too, so give me a shoutout when you drop by.
In a way, BURN2 reminds me of the festive atmosphere created by Second Life’s 9th Birthday, “SL9B.”
Go Yordie! The last photo is my favorite! We love those “antics” pix! You’ll be doing updates from the events? Hooking up with other peeps for an Artwalk? or, uh, Burnwalk?
or hey… since it’s so close to halloween… perhaps a Zombie Crawl?? 🙂
I’ll try to discover as much as I can. It really is seeing this whole Burning thing from a new point of view. I need to include Philip interview in one of the coming posts. I promise not to flood the airwaves.
ooh, ooh, checque out this action! Yordie has a “custom menu bar” now! On the home page you’ll notice that the menu under the iRez logo lists our most active authors with a dropdown for all contributors… Now a new feature you’ll see on the right side of your edit window lets you choose the “Yordie” menu for your posts!
Your Name on the menu bar is the complete Yordie Sands archive on iRez, and the other choices on the menu are the categories you tend to post the most in. If you’d like anything Added, Removed, or differently Worded there – just LMK!
ALL iRez authors, frequent or occasional, can have their own Custom Menu, just LMK and I’ll make one.
OMG… you are skeering the hooey out of me. A custom menu bar? Is this like, our comic page can now be found under “Yordie Sands” or for post from life on another planet, see the menu bar for “Yordie Sands” or… omg. Please don’t leave me out there like that, Boss!
what did you just say?
you, of course, don’t have to have it, you can just change it back from the “Yordie” menu to the standard “Authors” menu.
Or it could have different categories if you like.
Also, I forgot to include the demo pix in the previous comment, here it is:
I just feel kinda conspicuous all alone out there. Maybe if you put like “Vaneeeeessssa Blaylock” out there I’ll begin to feel better. hehe
OIC, if it feels weird, then totally just switch it back to “Authors” — the idea was just to give more of a “home” to your content on iRez, not to be creepy!!!
eg: the Ravanel Menu:
the Kat menu:
the Van menu:
So each author could have their “hub”… and then if you click on the big iRez logo at the top, it takes you to the home page and the all authors menu again.
But anyway, it was intended to be a bonus, not a drag, so if it’s weird, just totally use the little box and change it to “Authors”
if by any chance you’re NOT referring to the “Yordie” menu on THIS page, but to the fact that you saw it on the HOME page…
That’s actually a bug, I traced it to a conflict between the Woo Custom Menus Plugin and the WordPress SEO by Yoast Plugin. You should ONLY see “your menu” on pages where you specifically place it (in the case of THIS page I placed the “Yordie” menu for you, but you can take it off)
Meanwhile, I’ve disabled the WordPress SEO plugin and filed Tickets / Forum posts with both Yoast & Woo and hopefully one of them can solve it.
Sorry this sounds so complicated! But please DO choose whatever you like best! 🙂
OH OH… i didn’t realize it’s only customized for me because i’m an author. silly me, fiddleedee. it’s fine. sowwy