KONINKLIJK CONSERVATORIUM, 1995 — The Koninklijk Conservatorium Department of Dance presents Stacey Giachino and Vaneeesa Blaylock in Le Printemps

THE HAGUE, 2012 — Back in May I found a couple of old photos of my grad school roommate Stacey Giachino and I in our Dance / Performance antics. I’ve just dug up one more. In theory these were dance pieces. Somehow we used to spend most of our time creating iconic photographs to promote the performance and then a minimum amount of time actually choreographing something in whatever wardrobe we’d liked for the photos.
I still don’t know what ever became of Stacey, but it sure is sweet to see these old photos again.
OMG!!! Do you still have those dresses! The things I would do for one LOL! Believe it or not, I wanted to be a fahion designer when I was growing up and those are right up my alley!!!!!
Your post made me think of my crazy days at design school. Believe it or not, I was interning at a large hospital for a year and came up with the amazing idea (of course) of hosting a fashion show at the morgue. Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures, but I can assure you that it was AWESOME. I’m sure Imitation of Christ copied me… I think they came up with that idea a few seasons after my pathological fashions 🙂
OMG Kathleen, what haven’t you done!? Child prodigy Yoko Moorman… shaved head…. morgue fashion!
The good and bad news is that we convinced the Koninklijk Dance Department’s costume shop to make those for us as we “explained” they were an integral part of our MFA thesis concert. So we didn’t actually have to pay anything for them… but we also didn’t get to keep them.
Did you see the other pix I dug up of our antics?
I promise you the photos were better than the actual dance work. But I think in a way that was sort of a subtextual concept for us. That the actual “work” is a short bit of time on a few nights and ultimately remembered in detail by very few, and that paradoxically it is the ephemera that endures…