ScreenCap of TweetChat twitter chatting app running in a RockMelt web browser tab


ScreenCap of TweetChat twitter chatting app running in a RockMelt web browser tab

THE TWITTERVERSE, 15 August — I’ve just finished my 2nd “TweetChat.” I do love Twitter, and TweetChat is a cool platform for turning Twitter into a group discussion. Still, it’s a strange space to me.

This Tweetchat was with Games MOOC, and the 1st was with Arts Management Chat. Both fantastic groups of smart, engaged, helpful peeps who really care. Good stuff. Good stuff.


Tweeting just seems like such a strange platform for a substantive conversation to me. Twitter does foster plenty of interaction and making connections, so maybe the “problem” isn’t the platform buy my perception, IDK. I love the peeps and what they’re trying to do, it just seems like a lot of retweeting and maybe a bit less space for new ideas – not no space, but maybe less. I love what everybody’s doing, I just wish there was a conceptually deeper platform to talk about it on.

R E L A T E D . M A T E R I A L S


Games MOOC
Games MOOC / Twitter

Arts Management Chat / blog
Arts Management Chat / Twitter

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

2 thoughts on “TweetChat

  1. Not sure what to add to this, but Twitter certainly isn’t for me. It seems to be somewhere in between blogging and a Facebook “like” contentwise – just too little text to get something substantive going. I also get the feeling everyone just consumes these fast small attention-seeking messages which don’t get much attention overall in the end.

    Then again, loads of bloggers Twitter a lot and seem to have success with it, building strong communities. I can be a bit jealous at that, but I know it’s not for me. Does that make me a conversationalist? I don’t care, as long as I can happily keep blogging. ^^

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