IREZ VIRTUAL SALON, 7 August — Today the dam burst! Eva, Ravanel, and Trilby have all posted pet photos, of course some “normal” people even make pages, or accounts, for their pets on Facebook, so clearly it’s time for the iRez’ VR Pet Challenge!

What is a VR Pet? How the hell should I know!? Back in the easy times of the quaint old 20th century, your cat and your boyfriend were more-or-less different things. But in the 21st Virtual Century, where the same “rigged mesh” could be your “pet” or your avatar itself, haha, who knows! To quote Khan from Star Trek II:
These are pets, of course, not quite domesticated.
So I guess for our VR Pet Challenge we won’t worry about “domesticated” or not… whether it follows at your heels, sits on your shoulder, or whether you try to keep a “safe distance,” we’ll call them all “Pets” for our purposes. I guess we’ll include anything that is not:
1. Humanoid
2. A Player Avatar
To add your pets to the challenge, just post a lovely photo and:
• Select the Category: VR Pets
• Add the Tag: Pet Challenge
and you can also add any other relevant tags. Remember we try to keep categories to 1 or 2, and tags to 5 or 10 for the best SEO results.

Is that good? LMK if it should be different or if anyone can think of other stuff to specify.
And if you have a cool avatar that you’re dying to show off, no worries, iRez has you covered too… just wait till tomorrow when we announce the Extreme Makeover: Virtual Edition challenge! 😛