The Lagettes!

NOVA NOVA YORK, 28 de Julho — o desempenho de hoje de VB40 – Charlotte, sempre! na Galeria Xue / NYC encontramos um Anndy vocalista excitante jovem Acredite em Salvador, Brasil. Ela meio que me lembrou de um jovem Yoko Ono ou Cindy Wilson, com seu entusiasmo, inspiração espástica. E então Kathleen disse que deveríamos começar uma banda virtual grrl, e, em seguida, muitos nomes foram jogados fora.

Ok, isso é o mais longe que conseguiu. Alguém quer estar em uma banda virtual grrl?

Sepia toned photograph of Brazilian Vocalist Anndy Believe singing at Gallery Xue / NYC
Brazilian vocalist Anndy Believe singing @VB40 – Charlotte, Forever! @Gallery Xue / NYC

NEW NEW YORK, 28 juli — op de huidige prestaties van VB40 – Charlotte, Forever! bij Galerie Xue / NYC ontmoetten we een spannende jonge zanger Anndy Geloof van Salvador, Brazilië. Ze soort deed me denken aan een jonge Yoko Ono of Cindy Wilson met haar geïnspireerde, spastische enthousiasme. En dan Kathleen zei dat we een virtuele grrl band te beginnen, en dan veel namen werden gegooid.

Oke, dat is wat het werd. Iedereen wil worden in een virtuele grrl band?

Sepia Toned photograph of Vaneeesa Blaylock and Kathleen Cool in the background, with a wall poster of Charlotte Moorman behind them, and Brazilian vocalist Anndy Believe in the foreground
Brazilian vocalist Anndy Believe in foreground with cellists Vaneeesa Blaylock & Kathleen Cool behind her.

NEW NEW YORK, 28 July — at today’s performance of VB40 – Charlotte, Forever! at Gallery Xue / NYC we met an exciting young vocalist Anndy Believe from Salvador, Brazil. She kind of reminded me of a young Yoko Ono or Cindy Wilson with her inspired, spastic enthusiasm. And then Kathleen said we should start a virtual grrl band, and then many names were thrown out.

Okay, that’s as far as it got. Anybody wanna be in a virtual grrl band?

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

5 thoughts on “The Lagettes!

    1. OK… i’m in, virtual girl band. Yo! I’ll play accordian or banjo or fiddle, or whatever. or i’ll sing. or be roady. or maybe groupie. Yeah, I’ll be groupie. haha

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