Proudmoore (LGBTQ) Pride Event this Saturday!

Virtual World News: This Saturday one of the biggest and most well known in-game World of Warcraft events is taking place. It’s been running for 8 years in a row and celebrates LGBTQ pride – Everyone’s invited!

Author: Ironyca Lee
I am a WoW blogger and game analysis student.

3 thoughts on “Proudmoore (LGBTQ) Pride Event this Saturday!

  1. Awesome Ironyca! You’re twisting my arm to get a WoW subscription! πŸ˜›

    It’s funny the diversity assumptions I make. I just wrote a piece for Avital Norman Nathman’s cool blog series “This is what a feminist looks like,” where I mentioned this Gay White Supremacist I once worked with who hated me for being Jewish. IDK why, but I guess I presumed that if you were the subject of oppression yourself, that you’d be naturally more tolerant / inclusive, but it doesn’t work that way.
    (watch the Charlie Gage film clip I included on this)

    And I guess I did the same thing with WoW / Gaming… I sort of thought, well, if you’re online, using new media, hanging out in MMO’s then you’re past all that baggage of historical chauvinism. Hahaha, obviously I don’t hang out on 4chan a lot! πŸ˜›

    Even in Second Life where there might be better diversity on Ethnicity / Gender / Orientation, there’s (to some degree) chauvinism toward furrys.

    Anyway, before I go too far down Vaneeesa’s theory of culture or whatever this is turning into…

    That’s so cool that your WoW Factor Transmogrification Event will also be a part of it. Will it be live streamed again? The one I “watched”… I almost typed “attended”… but I wasn’t actually in-world… but DAMN the stream on that was FANTASTIC, like, great frame rate AND great video streaming… watching that with your team’s voice commentary (and bothering you with occasional tweets) I really did feel like I was there.

    (maybe, in your spare time, hahaha) you can do a little WoW Factor post for us sometime – just a little basic info and some links to all the great content you’ve already posted)

    1. One of my fears about the event looks to be proven, I knew an event like this would trigger something of the negative sort, just not how much. But yeah, my remark about WoW having its issues, the event got coverage at one of the biggest WoW news sites β€œWoW Insider” –

      Comments are turning into a mess, some have already been deleted.

      The whole oppression thing is weird, sadly it doesn’t turn many into more enlightened people, we still have our pecking orders, we’re still hugely influenced by the current discourse, even though we may not be benefiting from half of it, we buy into the other half anyways.

      I’m glad you say the quality is good on the livestream, not everyone attends the events in person, so it’s good to be able to offer those people something too.
      We have had our issues with whether the livestream on the other hand and whether it encourages people to just watch it there, instead of logging in and “being there” in person/avatar. What do we ideally want? And does it matter? I think it’s interesting in terms of audiences – half are only the audience through the stream, who’s performing – are we performing? hopefully the real artists there are the people who are competing. Livestreaming is a strange thing, it’s like double-mediated. Anyways, /rant off.

      Ps: You can play WoW for free via a trial account, like you did when you went on a tour there. Of course, the size of the install might be too much if you’re only visiting πŸ™‚

      1. OMG, don’t make us wait any longer — HOW DID IT GO???

        Spectacular Success? πŸ™‚

        Trashed by Trolls? πŸ™

        All’a Above? :/

        That’s too bad about the comment mess. As you probably know, I wrote a late Newbie Blogger Initiative post on Comment Moderation and I think I’ve simpled it up even more since then:

        Comment moderation should build community

        Meaning, for me at least, that mildly annoying comments should still be let to fly, because I don’t want it to be “Comments Vaneeesa likes,” and even a negative not-so-constructive comment still serves the purpose of making clear to your audience that it really is an open and free community. So taking a little comment heat does, I think build community.

        On the other hand, large-scale or hateful trolling hurts your community, so it should be just as clear that those should be taken down.

        It’s a shame that we have hate speech at the late date of 2012, then again, perhaps not that much has changed in the 175 years since Andrew Jackson famously said, “Eternal vigilance by the people is the price of liberty”

        I’m sure you’ve heard all those speculations, “how long would the Internet stay up if people stopped feeding (maintaining) it?” “How long would Wikipedia stay up if admins & users stopped patrolling & correcting it?” etc etc… of course nobody really knows, but lots of peeps think the answers to many of those questions is Under a week… or even Under 24 hours… so… Vigilance… for what’s important…

        Your little meditation on “does it matter” if someone is there “live” or not physically virtually there, but watching the web stream… is a really powerful idea… it really embraces so much about Performance vs Participation, Virtual vs Physical, Engagement vs Interaction, Experience vs Entertainment… Actually it kind of ties in a bit with Botgirl’s new post:

        It’d be really great if you had a few minutes some day to put together a little post on all that… it’s powerful stuff! πŸ™‚

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