VBFM #7 – LEA PacMan

PacMan (Skye McLeod) Chases Bryn Oh as Dividni Shostakovich and Martha Graham run to catch up!

LINDEN ENDOWMENT FOR THE ARTS, 5 March — during my 365day trek thru the LEA archipelago I’ve been struck by the LEA29 “Land Rush” sims’ “fish farm” like quality of large shallow marshes with thin ribbons of roads surrounding them. I suddenly realized it’s a giant PacMan course and called a spontaneous LEA PacMan Flashmob to come run the lines. Skye McLeod (nee Skye Fairywren) was nice enough to play the PacMan for us.

This was our 7th Flashmob, and amazingly, our First one in just over two years!

I really should have shot video of the Mini-Map: watching the little avatar dots on it run along the lines was SO "PacMan"! 🙂
Hunttress way up ahead of me; while in the upper-right Dividni and the PacMan head for a collision!
Dividni running south while Martha runs north. I loved seeing the tiny avatars in the distant parts of the sim running east-to-west or north-to-south.


Attica Bekkers
Bryn Oh
Dividni Shostakovich
FreeWee Ling
Hunttress Catteno
Kara Trapdoor (grande)
Kara Trapdoor (micro)
Martha Graham
Skye Fairywren (micro) (grande was the PacMan)
Trilby Minotaur (grande)

Trilby Minotaur (micro)


Martha & Bryn (grande) with Kara, Skye & Trilby (micro)
As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

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