VB32 – Shit Happens
Misprint Thursday, Mausoleum, LEA14
11 February 2012
CONCEPT: George Carlin famously observed,
Have you noticed that their stuff is shit and your shit is stuff?
I’d been thinking about how, in physical life, one’s possessions are often such a significant part of their identity, and that it would be interesting to create portraits of avatars and their “stuff.” In remarkable serendipity, Misprint Thursday had not only also been thinking about stuff / shit, but she’d been awarded a half hectare of land and resources by the Linden Endowment for the Arts to think about it. She generously offered the use of her LEA14 “Mausoleum” space for VB32 and we invited avatars to come down, claim a 15x15m square of space, make a pile of their worldly possessions, and stand on top of it.
PREVIZ: http://vaneeesa.com/2011/10/09/vb-previz-51-stuff/
FLICKR IMAGES: http://www.flickr.com/photos/vaneeesab/sets/72157629279659723/
Aria Dragonash
Beejoo Cerise
Eos Akina
FreeWee Ling
Fuschia Nightfire
Gina Broono
Kikas Babenco
Marmaduke Arado
Martha Graham
Maximillian Merlin
Maya Paris
Misprint Thursday
Monerda Skute
Nicole X Moonwall
Patricia Anne Daviau
Pixel Reanimator
Sasun Steinbeck
SaveMe Oh
Sulla Milk
Trilby Minotaur
Wobbly Marathon
• “365 Days” (self-portrait a day) Project, on flickr
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