VB27 – Un/Wedding2.0
4 June 2011
3pm SLT
The Rose Theatre
Kaya Angel, proprietor / builder
Elvera Lerner, special events
Hairs by Carina Larsen / Amacci
In this virtual ritual we reconsider the nature of marriage both in the physical and virtual worlds. Why does the putatively deepest, most personal, most spiritual bonding between people require or even tolerate sanction by church or state? Who cares whether church or state approves of marriage between your ethnicities, genders, orientations, or substrates? Today we perform the simplest ritual possible. No priest. No legal documents. Nothing more than a global group of human beings (4 continents) assembled in one virtual room. We stand together for an hour. And then it is done. Or begins…
Participant List
Please drop a comment to this post if you know of any errors / omissions in this list.
Agnes Sharple
Apmel Goosson
Azeal Nidhoggkin
Beejoo Cerise
Benji Bhalti
Connie Lee Marie Magic
Deoridhe Quandry
Eos Akina
Fiona Blaylock
Heathers Miles
Jacks Wylder
Kandinsky Beaumont
Khannea Suntzu
Kikas Babenco
LaPiscean Liberty
Lexi Vargas
Lizsolo Mathilde
Luke Solo
Marmaduke Arado
Miss Arubiana
Monerda Skute
NightOwl Meridoc
Pally Nakamura
Pennyroyal Calamity
Sadie Slingshot
Smilla Keng
Spirit Radikal
Tess Gears
Tim Deschanel
Trilby Minotaur
Tutsy Navarathna
Ush Underwood
Vaneeesa Blaylock
Xue Faith
Youri Ashton
Ze Moo
Azeal Nidhoggkin
Elvera Lerner
Eupalinos Ugajin
Frew Lovencraft
Inno Clarity
Jinnilli Messinez
Juergen Messinez
Kumi Kuhr
Maddie Mhia
Pally Nakamura
Quinn Couerblanc
Rose Borchovski
Trill Zapatero

OMG, the dress! Well, unlike Lady Kate, I didn’t go with Alexander McQueen… but I did find this photo of a Maggie Sottero dress
that I liked a lot. I showed it to the Baroque / Victorian / Wedding / First Life / Second Life gown design goddess to the stars Alisha Ultsch and she set off on the gown she’s showing me below. In the initial Previz for this performance the entire wedding party was going to be dressed in all-white.
And then suddenly all this drama broke loose! 🙁
I apologize to all those I hurt or disappointed. I do believe that the function of art in our culture is is to question assumptions and help us look at art / life / culture from different angles. This can often be challenting or even painful, but it was never my intention to directly hurt or upset anyone. I should have proceeded more slowly with all this and asked more questions first. It is so sad to think about the friendships that have been broken because of this wedding.
When did the virtual world get so “real”?!
Isn’t this place supposed to be “fake” — uggh — too much drama!
When I had my troubles with the Burning Man Organization last year some called me a drama queen. I swear I don’t intend to seek drama out… but apparently it does find me… no use trying to deny it any longer, I guess I should just fly the “DQ” flag proudly already…
With all the drama the “white wedding” no longer seemed to fit. So we loosened our performance wasitband and asked attendees to wear All White OR All Black. Not oldschool Men in Black and Women in White, but just Women in White or Black and Men in White or Black. I thought maybe being a bride in white was no longer fitting, so I put a black dress together. I combined Jackie Graves fashion thrashing Savage bodysuit with Trinity Akina’s darkly elegant Laced Penoir and a bridal bouquet that Kaylee from Chinese College at Monash University in Melbourne, site of VB09, sent me. Of course with all that Goth / Emo energy, my freckles just looked silly, so I let Carina pile a ton of makeup on me. I showed these pix to a few friends and actually the majority preferred the black version, but in the end it seemed too alt somehow… so I scraped Carina’s awesome makeup job off and put Alisha’s sweet dress back on.
House of Alisha
• https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/12448
• http://houseofalisha.blogspot.com/
• http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/AmaZingg/55/87/692
Graves Leather / Latex / Metal
• https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/20249
• http://forcemesilversparlatex.blogspot.com/2009/03/blog-post.html
• http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eZIedT_EgSM
• http://www.flickr.com/groups/graves
• http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Oxymoron/54/113/31
Trinity Akina / Raven Creations
• https://marketplace.secondlife.com/stores/20754
And in the end we survived long enough to make it to the Rose Theatre and we stood, four dozen souls, from four continents, on the Grand Ballroom Staircase at the Rose Theater. You see some of the after-dancing above, and below are a few more of the individuals in the wedding party. For a full image set, be sure to drop by Flickr:
VB27 Photos
VB/CO Photo Group
please add your event pix to this group! 🙂
and by all means, feel free to ID / caption them!

well, Luke might be cool, but if anyone had mentioned we could SMOKE during the ceremony, I would have been cooler.
Next time, place me closer to Jacks, damnit
Epic ‘Social-Media-Art’! .)
It was a very unique memorable event in many ways… Art historians, cyborg psychologists and augmented archeologist of the future will have to study this closer and also digg up all the private IM logs surrounding this happening to get the whole picture… ,)