Dancer: Ahzriona (Timmy Ekato)
Club: IYC (International Yiff Center)
1. What are your 3 favorite places to dance?
1. IYC
2. at my friend Mila Gunner’s place
3. and any other clubs X3
2. In social terms, RL Dancing and Avatar Dancing might be pretty similar. But in physical terms they seem pretty different. Can you talk a little bit about why you like to dance and what the experience of it is for you?
I dance to make some money when I can, and the experience is GREAT! I love the atmosphere!
3. Can you say a little about Avatar Bodies? How do you like to look? Do you think about how others will perceive you? Do you think about how other avatars look? Are there any particular looks that turn you on or off?
I spend alot of time getting the theme of my avatar perfect. I let people think what they will about my avatar, so that doesn’t concern me. I like sexy looking avatars. They look so good! I wish I could be like that sometimes π
4. What else should we know about you or about avatar life?
I dance for fun and to try to earn some money for stuff that my avatar needs π So that’s what I do. And I tend to flirt with people. Male or female. And hang with friends.