Here ends this trip we’ve started at the beginning of June. Today is the last post for Avatar Blogger Month.
Throughout the month, I visited many sims in Second Life that have inspired a large collection of stories, some happy, others sad. It was quite a marathon, but a lot of fun!
The first half of the month featured a short-story called “It Takes a Village” filled with suspense, mystery, murder and a lot of friendship, curiously enough!
The second half of the month was dedicated to flash-fiction. “Blind Jump Into…” proposed to write a story triggered by what a picture evoked, no preparation, just a keyboard, a picture and a plunge into the unknown of fiction!
This marathon also brought to life a fantastic collaboration with the artist Tabitha Raincloud. A few more projects together are in the works and they promise to be very interesting.
A special word of thank you to Vanessa Blaylock for her support, patience and more support, and to London Junkers for encouraging my writing madness!
To all who read my posts, thank you for crossing the seas of stories with me. I hope you’ve enjoyed the trip! See you soon!
Aww, yay! What a marathon adventure Lizzie! Congratulations! I really love all the ABC collections, but even more than the other wonderful efforts, I think yours stands as a 30-day volume (or 12-day + 18-day volumes) of work. It’s a nice “package” that I think will live on for some time. I know we’ll feature the collection here on iRez, and perhaps we should erect a sort of Telehub at LEA11 where readers can zip to the location of any story. I’ve found it a lot of fun to go see the “real” place that your writing was inspired by!
Author! Author!
Awww thank you, Van! Phew! It was a lot of work and what fun! 😀 The telehub idea is cool! All the locations were “alive” at the time the stories were written/posted!