Vanessa Blaylock and 2 gorillas sit on a small island across the water from Club Morpheus. The scene is at night and 4 high-powered lasers shoot 20-plus meters into the sky to form a giant red "M"

Avatar Blogger Month – Day 21 Gold Star!

Vanessa Blaylock and 2 gorillas sit on a small island across the water from Club Morpheus. The scene is at night and 4 high-powered lasers shoot 20-plus meters into the sky to form a giant red "M"
Vanessa & the gorillas look longingly at Club Morpheus. What’s taking so long? When will it open? When can the cool kids go dancing!?

It’s true! 3 weeks down, 1 to go! And here’s your I Survived 21 Days! Gold Starrr! Some of you have been Bloggers of Steel and actually managed to put out 21 posts in 21 days. .png file with transparency of a gold star and the number "21" in the center representing 21 days of the 30 day ABC challenge complteteFor all the mere mortal bloggers among us, I really wouldn’t sweat the total number of posts – if you’ve been makin it to the gym these past 3 weeks, then you wear your 21-days-of-blogging star with pride! To get your copy, click this small version once to get the big version, then right-click that and save as. It’s a .png with transparency so you can drop it over anything, or just use as is.

We’re done next weekend! To celebrate surviving 30 Days we’re going to open Club Morpheus next Saturday night. And Liz Solo’s going to have the virtual world premiere of the new The Black Bags record at Club Morpheus! Oh, and we should also take a final photo of our super-buff gym members! Let’s everybody dress in Black or Red this time!

It’s been awesome blogging with you all these past 3 weeks, thanks so much to everyone who’s been a part. I’m so excited about our big party next week!
— Vanessa Vaneeesa

Saturday 29 June: Event Time

• Avatar Blogger Month Photo Shoot: LEA11, 7pm PDT
Club Morpheus Opens: LEA11, 8-Midnight PDT
• DJ Liz Solo‘s Virtual World Premiere of new The Black Bags record @ Club Morpheus @ 8pm PDT

Here is a translation table for other time zones.
Please leave a comment below if any time zones are wrong, or if you’d like us to add any others.

L I N K Y . L I N K Y

ABC Participant List
The Black
The Black Bags tracks

Side-by-side images of Vanessa Blaylock standing at the entrance to the Alice in Cornelland project at LEA11 in Second Life. In the first frame Blaylock wears a pink dress and is surrounded by pastel and steampunk colors. In the second image the architecture is the same, but the textures have been transformed to a darkwave / gothic look and Blaylock  wears a black dress
In the immortal words of Cypher, “Kansas is goin’ bye-bye” as The Utopia Parkway Station transforms into Club Morpheus!

Photograph of monolith embedded in stone, a la Stanley Kubrick / Arthur C. Clarke / 2001 A Space Odyssey, but instead of black, the monolith has been retextured in a victorian / steampunk wallpaper. Two gorillas are to the side of the monolith and stare up at it.
Meanwhile my sister Fiona really got in the Club Morpheus spirit and put some of her gorillas next to the steampunk monolith. Note: if they start swinging femur bones around, you might want to move out of the way.

Vanessa Blaylock at a pull up bar at the ABC Gym at Alice in Cornelland at LEA11 in Second Life
3 weeks down! 1 to go! Vanessa celebrates with a few chin-ups at the ABC Gym!

As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

11 thoughts on “Avatar Blogger Month – Day 21 Gold Star!

        1. Find stuff in your inventory? Oh! You’re one of THOSE! 😛

          I just got my inventory below 14,000! (first time in some time) I told Trilby-150,000-items-Minotaur that yesterday and she said, “That’s Obscene!”

    1. Yessy, the gym and everything else will be there till the end of July. Then we go pumpkin! If you’d like pix or vids of anything, LMK and I’ll be happy to provide… or if you actually want to come walk around, LMK if you want any help with that.


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