Happy Holidays
Our virtual salon had 31 contributing authors in 2012, all the way from Agnes to Yordie, with “K” being the most popular letter, representing Kat, Katie, Krista and Kristine. Erika Mitchell (better known by the pseudonym E. L. James) didn’t contribute to iRez this year, still, her 2011 erotic novel Fifty Shades of Grey was well represented by Agnes’ post Fifty Shades of Halloween and Joseph’s post Fifty Shades of Black Ops. From all of us here at iRez, Happy Holidays, have an amazing 2013 filled with wonder and discovery, and of course, “Write On!”
iRez 2012 Authors
Agnes Sharple
Botgirl Questi
Canary Beck
Eva Marie
Fuschia Nightfire
George Coghill
Hanna Lee
Ironyca Lee
Jacque Donaldson
Joseph DeLappe
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Kathleen Cool
Katie Vizenor
Krista Hoefle
Kristine Schomaker
Lizzie Gudkov
Lizzy Bowman
Marmaduke Arado
Mirae Rosner
Nathan Shafer
Os Ishmael
Pixel Reanimator
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Rafaella Lima
Ravanel Griffon
Sarah Elgart
Strawberry Singh
Tamiko Thiel
Trilby Minotaur
Vaneeesa Blaylock
Vanessa Bartlett
Xue Faith
Yordie Sands
Slide Show!
Click on any image to enter Slide Show mode, then use your arrow keys to navigate through the pix!
*Waves hello* Wishing everyone a Happy Holiday Season! Thank you for welcoming me to your blogging family 🙂
Yay Lizzie! So excited to have you join us to cap off our big year… or to launch the new one! 🙂
Happy Holidays!
It was amazing to be here in 2012, so thanks for having me, and -oh- I *love* the SL winter holiday picture. Great shot!
Aww, thanks for holding up the multiverse for us Ravanel! NOW we have to figure out how to do a multi-world group photo!!
Hmm… how would we do that….
That would probably involve some blue screens, a VOIP server and a ingenious photographer… nothing that should form any obstacle. 😉
Wait, what’s that voice I’m hearing?
“Ravanel, you think you’re an Elf from Lothlórien… which will it be? The blue or the red pill?”
Maybe we should all just take a field trip and meet up with you. Peeps around here LOVE field trips! Does one of your MMO worlds have either a free trial, or a free-2-play version? Let’s set something up!*
*blue screen not included in free trial
Both LotRO and SW:TOR are free-to-play, so either of them would work. The choice is ultimately yours. Which world attracts you more? I think that is the key question. (For you I have a feeling you are more of a Star Wars fan – am I correct?) 😀
Cool… better yet… how about we all just fly to China and meetup at the WoW theme park!!
Or, uh, if that doesn’t work out logistically… then your plan sounds good. Unless anybody else chimes in with a preference, I’d say you pick! Maybe plan it for a Saturday in Feb or March? And maybe you could do a little post on how we sign up and meet up?
And importantly — do they have a global user base? Or are there different country / continent servers? So would, for example, EU and US visitors have to do something special to be on the same server? If one is easier in this regard, maybe we should pick that one.
And since many, but hopefully not all, of our tour guests might be coming from that vanity palace called “Second Life,” if one lets peeps mess around with their avatar more… that might be appreciated…