COVET SIM, SECOND LIFE, 5 August — My globetrotting sister Fiona called me out of the blue today, I guess she was in the neighborhood having her hair done at Exile Salon and suddenly wanted me to keep her company or something. Did I just say “out of the blue”?? OMG, by the time I got there she’d decided that we should dye our hair blue sort of in Grammy Blaylock’s honor. So they dragged out the peroxide and blue dye and I had my hair straightened in the process and in, oh hey, not more than THREE OR FOUR HOURS, we had supa’fun matching blu doo’s!

Haha, I guess it’s sort of dumb that I always bitch about my stoopid big sis, after all, she did pay for my whole hair thing today, and it’s not like either of my so-called cousins Yajiru Blaylock or Symone Blaylock ever even give me the time of day. Haha, I haven’t talked to Hannah in ages either, but at least I can watch her videos and play her record.
Family! Oy!

(after eight years together, Fiona and my cousin Hannah Blaylock and her band Eden’s Edge finally had their record come out this summer back on June 12! I’m so proud of her! You should totally buy it! 🙂
• Eden’s Edge / Amazon.com

Dear sis, you get to choose your own friends, but your family, you just get who you get. I’m glad I wound up with you.
haha, we deserve each other 😛

How aptly named that it was at “Covet” sim! I have only met Fiona at one or two past performances but I was always struck by her sense of style and fantastic avatar. Maybe covet isn’t quite the right word, let me just say that she has inspired me to make Moni the best she can be.
Blue hairs, a couple of great looking blue hairs 🙂
aww, thanks Moni! 🙂
I should have given the LM, I’ve never actually been to Exile Hair / Covet sim before. Probably one of those snooty Fiona places that they don’t let rif-raf like me in without a guest pass from a member. (if you don’t understand what I’m talking about, just ask Penny, I’m sure she could ‘splain it to you plenty)
• http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Covet/189/98/33
Oh, and check out the “Cherry Baby” hairstyle – they weave actual cherries into your hair! (well, plastic ones)
Fiona the style inspiration, hahaha, you probably met her when she did that crazy-hot fashion shoot for Xue’s magazine:

That was 2011, almost as crazy, here’s her and I, from 2010 and 2012 – OMG! 😛
We both used to straighten our hair, IDK why, I used to bleach my skin and she used to spend hours in the tanning bed, gawd, I was always trying to pass for a white girl and she was channeling her inner “equatorial native”. It’s so funny to actually see my skin darker than hers now.
Aside from tan or not, and the crazy-different hair, you might notice that we actually do have the same bone structure as 2 years ago (and I think Fiona still gets collagen injections)
It’s funny, because of the skin tone and hair it’s kind of hard to see that we still have the same faces — everybody’s talking about prosopagnosia these days thanks to Chuck that-little-shit-Scott-Blake-should-leave-my-great-art-alone Close, who apparently painted all those decades of “big heads” in part because of his prosopagnosia.
Apparently prosopagnosics really don’t recognize “faces” and one of their big cues is hair, which they do recognize, so when their spouse makes a big hair or facial hair change, they don’t know who they are.
[caption id="attachment_12605" align="alignnone" width="540"]
Vaneeesa Blaylock, Fiona Blaylock, 2010 May 3[/caption]
[caption id="attachment_12606" align="alignnone" width="540"]
Vaneeesa Blaylock, Fiona Blaylock, 2012 August 5[/caption]
haha, it never occurred to me that I’m a little bit Penny to your Fiona. haha, and gawd, she would have totally jumped from Team Purple to Team Red too! 😛
Actually it’s a little bit funny that this comes up now, or maybe it’s all on my brain, as I’m posting a new challenge tomorrow!
Extreme Makeover: Virtual Edition
It’s kind of a “then & now” challenge… or a “now and maybe…”
Idea is to post 2 different images of your avatar… either an old one and how you are now… or a current one… and some new style or look you’re thinking about
oh and ps, why is it no matter how much art i do, its only Xue’s photo’s that ever get any recognition? SL is just soooo….. RL
and pssss…. hugs to moni, and SIS……. tell me that isnt a fanny pack you are wearing
OMG, NO it’s not a “fanny pack,” it’s an emergency parachute from VB41 – Rock the Casbah!
haha, we probably show pix of you from Xuey’s magazine instead of all your fabulous art because… hmm… not certain… let me think here… now why would that be… oh… it’s coming… yes… I know this one… BECAUSE, LIKE, THEY’RE THE ONLY FREAKIN PIX WE HAVE OF YOU!
Lucky us… all that’s going to change now… yay… can’t wait for you to post cool pix of your cool art!
anyway, we have posted other stuff of you: