How does a person who has bought so many colors of hair dye manage to go through life without discovering Sepia and Selenium toner in the darkroom? IDK. But I found them now! Here’s my collection of sepia-toned self-portraits! 🙂
[button link=”” color=”red”]#worldOfWarcraft[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#swtor[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#lotro[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#skyrim[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#masseffect[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#minecraft[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#secondLife[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#blueMars[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#sims[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#flightSimulator[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#bullshit[/button]
[button link=”” color=”red”]#secretidentity[/button]
[button link=”” color=”#af6610″]#vanSepia[/button]
[button link=”” color=”#876032″]#vanSelenium[/button]
[button link=”” color=”#36539f”]#vanCyan[/button]
click on any image to see large
use buttons or arrow keys to scroll thru
click on caption / hashtags to see the user’s pix on instagram
/me does a “spit take” of my latte! “Field Marshal” Pennyroyal, that bitch! ^^
oh gawd, those were dark times. She was really mean to me. Very abusive. After a long time I thought I loved her. But now that I can think more clearly I believe I had just been brainwashed and everything was upside down. I had attached to my captor as a means of survival. I was a victim! My mind didn’t extend beyond living one more day.