Nienke Klunder
LONDON, 4 July — Like Nikki S. Lee and Cindy Sherman, Nienke Klunder uses transformations of her…
OS Grid
VB/CO Field trip to OS Grid on Saturday 12 June
VB/CO Magazine
VB19 – I AVATAR was a different artwork for us. It was a performance of sorts… or…
Girl Next Door TWO!
There’s a brand new Girl Next Door in town… and she’s worth it… just for the shoes!…
VB Previz #34 – Fraternal / Identical
MARKY MARK & VANEEESA IN THEIR “NORMAL” SHAPES & SKINS There is a genre of content creation…
VB Previz #33 – Naked Men
A previz & some conversation reconstructed from Avatars United, rip Agnes gave me a couple of “shouts”:…
VB16 Photo Contest Winners!
To celebrate the 1st anniversary of VB/CO we held a photo contest. Our 5 esteemed judges: Carina…
VB Previz #32 – Dark Side of the Moon
VB17 • Dark Side of the Moon —– 8 May 2010 — Noon – 2pm SLT —–…
Fiona Blaylock
I took a class at Builders Brewry and who should be in it but my sister Fiona….
Happy Birthday to Meee!
Aww, thanks Facebook “friends!” 🙂
VB16 Photo Contest
Our illustrious panel of judges: Carina Larsen • Connie Arrida • Fross Maruti • Kai Heideman •…
Saturday 8 May 2010 • Noon – 2pm SLT Vista Hermosa Art Center Skin & Shoes:…
Au Pair Next Door – AFTERPARTY!!!
We already know what the Au Pair Next Door is going to wear for the 24-hour wash-a-thon…
VB16 Photo Contest
V A N E E E S A B L A Y L O C K /…
Violet Blue
SAN FRANCISCO, 22 February — Journalist, sex-blogger, and author of Open Source Sex Violet Blue has had…
Eloh Eliot is a Freak
Eloh Eliot is a freak – and I’m pretty upset about it! I’ve written about this mutant…
Valentine’s Performance Art
Artist Brian Feldman said his Friday performance-art piece, Brian Feldman Marries Anybody, was intended to show how two complete strangers of opposite sexes can marry in Florida, while a loving same-sex couple does not enjoy the same right, the Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel reported.
Authenticity is often the coin of the realm in culture. An authentic singer on stage, genuine emotion…
Bouguereau in Haiti
The human tragedy in Haiti is unmeasurable and unbearable. In response many merchants around the grid have…
Balloon Couture Meets Chocolate
TSIM SHA TSUI, HONG KONG, 21 January 2010 — Chocolate Balloon Couture! This is my dream job!…
VB Previz #31 – Gracie Kendall (GK3)
The Gracie Kendal Project- A Conversation with my Avatar. Gracie, this particular image is one of…
Mourning the Facebook Dead
If you need still more irony in your breakfast cereal, consider that the fictional film “Avatar” was #1 at the box office again this week… even as real Avatars are being executed on Facebook!
VBFM #5 – NY Eve ARC 1 Flashmob
New Year’s Morning in Central European Time New Year’s Afternoon Down Under and the stroke of Midnight…
VB Previz #30 – Au Pair Next Door
On Saturday, 18 April ’09, VB/CO was launched with our performance of: VB01 – Girl Next Door…
Happy Holidays!
I recently started the Moment series. They’re just “moments” large or small that stumble across my virtual…
Gracie Kendall v2
Gracie’s Blog: My Previous Gracie Post: Gracie Kendal Project Gracie Kendall continues her amazing Blog/Odyssey, Blogyssey?…
In Bed with Eva & Franco Mattes
Eva & Franco Mattes made one of their pilgramages to SL last week. They installed giant appliances at The Odyssey Art and Performance Simulator and performed Pseudo-Futurist Video Game Improvisation Extravaganza, as part of Performa09, Second Life, New York
VB Previz #29 – 2010 Preview
For 2010, VB/CO will present 12 works of performance art.
Bryn Oh’s Brain
What’s so amazing about a place… a space… a moment… a gift… like this crazy dwell between Bryn’s mosquito Ferris wheel and her sensorium cloud… is how capacious it is… how generous it is… and how it invites not just your brain… but also your body… to exist in resonance with it… in this time and in this space…
The Gracie Kendal Project Some people might say that Kris Schomaker is obsessed with her avatar, I think that Gracie…