Category: Vanessa Blaylock Company
Vanessa Blaylock Company: Ideas, Projects, Documentation
VB Previz #35 – Taaratantaarinen
The sense of space, of form, of biomorphic vibrance, of trajectory, of ascent in these works invites us to consider the possibilities of avatars caught somewhere between monumental architecture and grounding, pastoral land, of avatars caught somewhere between heaven and earth.
Field Trip Report: WoW!
Every time someone new came over from SL, or every time VeeBee got lost, you don’t just “TP me over”… the group has to chill out while somebody runs off to fetch the lost soul. While a bit of a nuisance, this made land and space much more real, much more tangible. You really were in a place, and other places and distances had real meaning.
Field Trip to WoW
The poll results are in, and you’ve overwhelmingly chosen Alliance: Night Elves as our “race” for our Field Trip to WoW!
VB18 Avatar Chess
The Performance Document for VB18 is now published as our exciting, dynamic, full color even, VB/CO Magazine – Issue No.4!
VB17 Dark Side of the Moon
In VB17 the cast created a Human Dodecahedron 3-1/2 kilometers above the Booville sim… and then… WE DROPPED IT!
Sweet 16
On 16-17 April 2010 VB/CO celebrated our 1st anniversary with a 26-hour performance artwork at Odyssey Performance Simulator.
World of Warcraft
Yes, it’s time for the VB Friends field trip to World of Warcraft!
Rudolf Nureyev
the dawning confidence of the 20-year-old Nureyev three years before his 1961 defection in Paris
OS Grid
VB/CO Field trip to OS Grid on Saturday 12 June
VB Previz #34 – Fraternal / Identical
MARKY MARK & VANEEESA IN THEIR “NORMAL” SHAPES & SKINS There is a genre of content creation…
VB Previz #33 – Naked Men
A previz & some conversation reconstructed from Avatars United, rip Agnes gave me a couple of “shouts”:…
VB Previz #32 – Dark Side of the Moon
VB17 • Dark Side of the Moon —– 8 May 2010 — Noon – 2pm SLT —–…
Saturday 8 May 2010 • Noon – 2pm SLT Vista Hermosa Art Center Skin & Shoes:…
Au Pair Next Door – AFTERPARTY!!!
We already know what the Au Pair Next Door is going to wear for the 24-hour wash-a-thon…
VB Previz #31 – Gracie Kendall (GK3)
The Gracie Kendal Project- A Conversation with my Avatar. Gracie, this particular image is one of…
VBFM #5 – NY Eve ARC 1 Flashmob
New Year’s Morning in Central European Time New Year’s Afternoon Down Under and the stroke of Midnight…
VB Previz #30 – Au Pair Next Door
On Saturday, 18 April ’09, VB/CO was launched with our performance of: VB01 – Girl Next Door…
VB Previz #29 – 2010 Preview
For 2010, VB/CO will present 12 works of performance art.
VB 12 Cast
VB12 LANDSCAPES WITH A CORPSE The VB Cast envisions their mortal farewells @ Petruchio a sim by…
VB12 Announcement
Saturday 7 November 09 Noon-2pm SLT (PST) V A N E E E S A . B…
VB Previz #28 – Running Fence
I know it’s been done IRL, but how amazing it would be to do this out of avatars holding hands! I guess if we wanted to cross a 256-meter SIM, it’d take, like, uh, 256 avatars!?
VB10 Cast
VB10 – DRESSED / NAKED Hair & Eyes by Carina Larsen, Amacci. Wardrobe by Anyusha Lilienthal,…
VB08 Cast
VB08 – TWO WEAR MY SKIN Hair, Eyes & Poses by Carina Larsen, Amacci Each pair…
VBFM #4 – Zombie Crawl
VBFM #4 – Burning Life ’09 Zombie Crawl Virtual Black Rock City 21 October 2009 • Images…
VB Moment A – Moondance
dancing in the cool, moist of the crisp
no longer alone
VB09 Cast
VB09 Event at Chinese College, Monash University, Melbourne Australia, a performance for Time, Transcendence, Performance.
Time • Transcendence • Performance
PDF of above document for physical world audience in Melbourne – Right-Click & Save-As: On Thursday…
VB Previz #27 – Toe Pride
The Gray Acrobat, 18 January 1930, o/c 1.6 x 1.3m Pablo Picasso, Musee Picasso, Paris I was…
VB Previz #26 – Landscapes with a Corpse
I think we should celebrate the holidays with… Bodies all over the landscape! Sort of like a…
VB Previz #25 – Fire Walk With Me
In addition to our Theme Camp Proposal, we have been invited to submit a stage proposal for…