Category: Magazine
Magazine projects, eg: VB/CO performance works, Xue Faith / Avatars Illustrated, etc
Diary #31 – V Magazine
NEW YORK, 2012 — Gallery Xue / NYC is a real, working art gallery, but it also…
Preview: Black Swan
The new issue of Avatars Illustrated, “Black Swan” is almost here… so we made a little video…
Swimsuit Edition
Today is launch day for A V A T A R S . I L L U…
Nautical but Nice
I am still working on the “10 Experiences” to have in this world list: However, I…
Black Swan
I have an adult body… and the mind of a child… No one whose physical appearance is…
VB18 Avatar Chess
The Performance Document for VB18 is now published as our exciting, dynamic, full color even, VB/CO Magazine – Issue No.4!
VB17 Dark Side of the Moon
In VB17 the cast created a Human Dodecahedron 3-1/2 kilometers above the Booville sim… and then… WE DROPPED IT!
Sweet 16
On 16-17 April 2010 VB/CO celebrated our 1st anniversary with a 26-hour performance artwork at Odyssey Performance Simulator.
VB/CO Magazine
VB19 – I AVATAR was a different artwork for us. It was a performance of sorts… or…