Category: Field Trips
Virtual World Field Trips to WoW, Blue Mars, OS Grid, and Beyond!
Minecraft Field Trip!
Wendz Tempest leads the VBCO Travel & Safari Company in a Minecraft Field Trip! Saturday 7-9am SLT
Field Trip: Tera!
Field Trip! We’re off to the free-2-play (freemium) fantasy MMORPG of Tera! Grab your adventure gear and climb aboard.
FIELD TRIP: Virtual Gallery Weekend Berlin
BERLIN, 28 April — Silent since the demise of Blue Mars, the VBCO Travel & Safari Co….
Field Trip Report: Blue Mars
BLUE MARS, 25 September 2010 — Today Tizzers Foxchase led an intrepid group of explorers from the…
Field Trip: Blue Mars
Second Life is, famously, all about “UGC” – User Generated Content; WoW is all about amazing developer made content; Blue Mars tries to split the UGC difference with Developer Class and Consumer Class.
Field Trip Report: WoW!
Every time someone new came over from SL, or every time VeeBee got lost, you don’t just “TP me over”… the group has to chill out while somebody runs off to fetch the lost soul. While a bit of a nuisance, this made land and space much more real, much more tangible. You really were in a place, and other places and distances had real meaning.
Field Trip to WoW
The poll results are in, and you’ve overwhelmingly chosen Alliance: Night Elves as our “race” for our Field Trip to WoW!
World of Warcraft
Yes, it’s time for the VB Friends field trip to World of Warcraft!
OS Grid
VB/CO Field trip to OS Grid on Saturday 12 June