Author: Xue Faith
Student in the Culture, Media and Creative Industries programme at King's College, London. Curator at Gallery Xue. Webmaster for avatar bloggers.
Black Swan
I have an adult body… and the mind of a child… No one whose physical appearance is…
2011/03/09 Xue Faith
Posted in Avatar
Ronin Avatar
I was never really supposed to be. Actually I was just explaining “me” to someone tonight… and…
2011/03/08 Xue Faith
Posted in Avatar
Pretty / Stupid
Vaneeesa would be more diplomatic. She would construct a more medi-a-propriate statement. Vaneeesa would lie about the…
2011/03/03 Xue Faith
Posted in Postcards
Postcard #9 – Faith in the Middle
Vaneeesa left. Auctioned off her pixels to the highest bidder. Pixel Reanimator wound up with me, Xue…
2011/02/26 Xue Faith