Tag: Asylum in Your Embassy

 7 Comments on Nadya Tolokonnikova, seamstress
Posted in Fashion

Nadya Tolokonnikova, seamstress

Free, Freedom Fashions now available at Asylum in Your Embassy! Balaclavas, Dresses, T-Shirts. Better clothes for a better world!

Asylum in Your Embassy! Grand Opening! Screen Cap of Asylum store on Second Life Marketplace.
 2 Comments on Asylum in Your Embassy! Grand Opening!
Posted in Fashion

Asylum in Your Embassy! Grand Opening!

“Nadya Tolokno,” Agnes Sharple, Trill Zapatero, Vanessa Blaylock & Friends bring you an exciting new fashion experience, ASYLUM IN YOUR EMBASSY! Visit the store on Second Life Marketplace today!

Pussy Riot Week. Montage of Pussy Riot images. Arms raised in front of St. Basil's cathedral. "Free Pussy Riot" written on chained arms. Amnesty International logos written on arms. On top of the images is the text "It's Pussy Riot Week"
 6 Comments on Pussy Riot Week!
Posted in Production

Pussy Riot Week!

We celebrate Pussy Riot Week with a photo shoot Sunday, online shop opening Tuesday, and the Pussy Riot Solidarity Parade on Saturday.