a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced
— Obi-Wan Kenobi
Hi Guys,
We just got word that Odyssey Contemporary Art & Performance of Second Life has lost its angel funding and may have to close in February.
Here’s what Vaneeesa said about Odyssey,
In my judgment, Odyssey is nothing less than the premiere performance art venue in the Virtual World of Second Life. It’s true that much of the best performance art in the physical or virtual world doesn’t require a formal venue, it is often site specific or a flashmob, happening, or action.
Nonetheless, over the years Odyssey has distinguished itself as the bold presenter of performance art works at the very forefront of contemporary practice. Even though I’ve personally left Second Life for less authoritarian and closed-centric virtual regimes, I still believe that losing Odyssey in Second Life would be tragic. I’m excited about their Andromeda project on the Craft Grid, but I also believe we should all, myself included, pitch in now to save Odyssey.
The Odyssey Performance Simulator and the Frank Lloyd Wright Virtual Museum are as different as two arts organizations can probably be, but what they share is that they have each brought a singular excellence to our Virtual World. To lose both in this last month of 2010 would be unbearable.
Vaneeesa visits Mr. Gandhi in SL Jail at Odyssey
(Van in her child phase)
Vaneeesa in bed with Eva & Franco Mattes at Odyssey
(Van in her pomegranate skin)
Eva and Vaneeesa watch SaveMe and Fau dance at Odyssey
(Van in her VB17 latex skin)
(this was January 22, 2010, the day Liz & Fau took the reins of Odyssey)
And here’s the letter from Odyssey directors Liz and Fau
Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance
Odyssey: a simulator in Second Life dedicated to art and performanceA message to all members of Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance
Dear Odyssey members,
We are very sorry to inform you that Dynamis has decided that as of February 2011 they will no longer be funding Odyssey and East of Odyssey.
While this is a very difficult situation we do have options. The most appealing option is to share the cost of one sim among those of you who are willing and able to support it.
The cost of Odyssey is $200 USD a month. If we have ten members who are willing to donate $20 USD per month we would be able to keep the main Odyssey island going. Would any of our current members like to share this cost – we believe we have five people so far. Please contact us if you are interested.
We have also been exploring other options and would like to invite you to create an account on Craft grid and join Odyssey on Andromeda. Craft is an open sim grid.
To discuss becoming a supporter and/or joining us on Craft sim please get in touch with lizsolo Mathilde or Fau Ferdinand in-world.
We will keep you informed.
liz and fau
Visit Odyssey Contemporary Art and Performance at: http://odysseyart.ning.com

I don’t have an avatar on the Craft Grid yet, but, of course, Vaneeesa does. She’s there as “Vaneeesa Blaylock” and says you should friend her. Here’s their home page where you can get a free account:
And even though they recommend the Hippo or Imprudence viewers, you Phoenix fans can get there in a few clicks:
• On the Phoenix login screen hit the GRIDS button
• Under Select a Grid, click ADD
• In the Login URI box paste: http://craft-world.org:8002/
• Click OK
And Login!
I was hoping we might have a Christmas apparition of Vaneeesa this week, I set up a little reception space on the beach at An Li, but it doesn’t seem promising. So Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everybody! Have a great holiday season! I hope I can see some of you guys soon!
— Aero
Disclaimer: VB16 – Au Pair Next Door was performed at Odyssey on April 16 & 17, 2010.

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