VB47 Child Avatar Pride Parade text over a montage of 6 child avatars: Moonique Nightfire, Trilby Minotaur, Betty Tureaud, Calliope Lexington, Rabalder, Agnes Sharple

VB47 – Child Avatar Pride Parade

VB47 Child Avatar Pride Parade text over a montage of 6 child avatars: Moonique Nightfire, Trilby Minotaur, Betty Tureaud, Calliope Lexington, Rabalder, Agnes Sharple


It’s the damnedest thing! So many peeps in virtual worlds are “creeped out” by Child Avatars!? For sure lots of peeps are ok with child avatars. Lots of peeps play child avatars. Still, I think I’ve heard more distress over child avatars than over furies, tinies, Gor, or any other virtual world subculture that peeps sometimes marginalize. WHAT’S UP WITH THAT???

I Am a Child

I don’t have any data on child avatars or their motivations. I think for some it might be a chance to relive a happy time of life. For some it might be a chance to relive an unhappy time of life and “get it right” this time. For myself, honestly, I’ve always been kind of lanky, and I enjoy the more compact and balanced bodies. Aren’t avatars and children kind of similar? Both are “roles” that allow us to play. To be light. To be silly. To worry less about the burdens of “adult” life.

VB47 – Child Avatar Pride Parade

Invisible people never get civil rights. The most powerful thing anyone has ever said is “Hello World.” It’s the simplest statement. I am here. I exist. I want to be a part of culture. I want to be appreciated. I am proud to be me. There isn’t anything more fundamental to group identity than a pride parade. And so, our VB47 Child Avatar Pride Parade. A march of pride. A march of joy. A march, yes, for civil rights! A march across the Virtual Brooklyn Bridge and through Virtual Manhattan.

VB47 Child Avatar Pride Parade: child avatars Calliope Lexington, Gina Broono, Betty Tureaud, Pixel Reanimator, Vanessa Blaylock, and Subodim Ansar dance on the rooftop of Fiona Blaylock and Vanessa Blaylock's NYC apartment

VB47 – Child Avatar Pride Parade

Virtual New York City
16 February 2013

Agnes Sharple
Betty Tureaud
Calliope Lexington
Gina Broono
Moonique Nightfire
Mudslinger Ning
Pixel Reanimator
Subodim Ansar
Trilby Minotaur
Vanessa Blaylock
Feat. Mikati Slade & Nymlet

The Peeps:
click on any image to enter slide show mode
then use arrow keys to scroll thru


L i n k y . L i n k y

• Previz: Everybody Loves an Avatar Parade
• Second Life Wiki: Child Avatar
• Second Life Forum: Sick of Discrimination Against Child Avatars
• Google+ / Yordie Sands: Child Avatar Parade

The Parade:
click on any image to enter slide show mode
then use arrow keys to scroll thru



As a virtual public artist my work invites avatar communities to express their identity, explore their culture, and demand their civil rights.

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